Avi Albers Ben Chamo
The Wrong Strips

Avi Albers Ben Chamo (1973), a visual artist and composer. Currently work in Berlin. 

Avi studied design at the WIZO Haifa Academy of Design in Israel, and music composition with composer and Bach researcher Professor Derek Remes in Berlin.

"With my work, I would like to explore the topic of the human condition in terms of sense of touch, emotions, feelings and thoughts. The materials I like to work with are, wood, canvas, love and companionship". 

This April 2024, Avi's work ""Alzheimer - Hanna" won the first prize at "Neuer Preis für zeitgenössische Malerei Teil 2" competition;


"This is not Naples, this is Haifa" (Bauhaus in decay) - exhibition sponsored by the Municipality of Haifa (2001);  

"Holiday in the refineries of Haifa", towards zero pollution for air, water and soil, exhibition at Benenu, Haifa, Israel (2003);

Premarts gallery - Group exhibition, Berlin (2019);

“The Kiosk People ,” Indie head Alexanderplatz, - Group exhibition, Berlin (2022);

“Maroquinerie,” solo exhibition, (Hope and alienation in a foreign land) Gallery Stanton, Israel; (2022);

Kavanism - Solo exhibition (Architecture and symbolism) at Fundburo Design, Berlin (2023);

WEAVING LISTENING HilbertRaum (Human Sound installation), Berlin (2023);

TRUST/ Vertrauen, group exhibition at kunst kreuzberg e.V Berlin (2024);

ALZHEIMER Hanna group exhibition at kunst kreuzberg e.V Berlin (2024); first prize at "Neuer Preis für zeitgenössische Malerei Teil 2" competition; (2024)

Group exhibition "go with the flow - stop the flow" presenting "The door" at kunst kreuzberg e.V Berlin (2024);

"Touch" at San Rocco Museum of Contemporary art Trapani, with Sistanagila. Organized by MEMA - Mediterranean Music Association, the Istituto di Cultura Italo-Tedesco di Trapani (ICIT) and the Goethe-Institut Italia. Sicily (2024);

Group exhibition Kapitel 67: "every artwork expresses your universe" presenting "Touch 2" at kunst kreuzberg e.V Berlin (2024)

Group exhibition Berlin, Kapitel 68: "Lass einfach deinen Charakter des Menschen Eigen sein!"at Monday Art Saloon presenting "Touch 3" primed blank canvas 120X120 Cm (2024)

Group exhibition Berlin, Kapitel 69: “Wahrheit und Niederlage – die ewigen Laster des Lebens” at Monday Art Saloon presenting "a vandelized Touch" (Touch 3) + two chairs for a dialogue with the vandalism Black marker on canvas 120X120 Cm (2024) 

Group exhibition Berlin, Kapitel 70: Kapitel 70: "Erkenntnis und Risiko” at Monday Art Saloon presenting  "Touch 4" Albers on Albers 3 cube primed blank canvases 120X120 Cm (2024) 

Group exhibition Berlin, Kapitel 71: "Besessenheit trifft Poesie" at Monday Art Saloon presenting "light touch" bend canvas 30x30 Cm (2024)

Group exhibition Berlin, Kapitel 72: “Vereinfachung durch Selbstbetrug der eigenen Ansprüche” at Monday Art Saloon presenting "la Pallete " oil on glass 29x21Cm (2024)

Solo Exhibition at Villa Seligmann presenting Touch "5". Touch "5" will be part of Villa Seligmann collection and is open for the public. Primed Canvas 90 Cm x 90 Cm 2024 Villa Seligmann, Hanover, Germany 


Berliner Projektfond Kulturelle Bildung
Neustart Kultur
Culture Moves Europe


A mediterranean men in Berlin (blog) Stern Magazine 2014

Artist's residency 
Palermo under the EU program and the Goethe-Instituts -Culture Moves Mai 2024

Active projects: 

Sistanagila Iran - Israel culture bridge music project. (Contrabass and co composer)


Though Sistanagila promotes itself as nonpolitical, it’s inevitable that merging Israeli and Iranian musicians performing together will carry political undertones. Sistanagila is comprised of three Iranians and two Israelis, to spread the message of peace, they travel across europe and preform in synagogues, churches and mosques. 

The Jewish Choral Book Project German - Israeli culture project. (Co Composer) 

Performance of original compositions 

Laeiszhalle Hamburg, Gewandhaus Leipzig,  Coburg Philharmonisches Orchester, Berlin Philharmonie, ConcertHause Berlin.

Jazzy Berlin 

In 2013, Avi Albers Ben Chamo founded the Jazzy Berlin Community, an open platform to share ideas and to evoke discussion through Jazz. During different events and political shifts in the global world, Jazzy Berlin was and still up to today, a safe meeting point for cultural debate.

Avi Albers Ben Chamo